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Modern Slavery Statement 2024


GloMaIn is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in our business operations and supply chains. This statement outlines the steps we are committed to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not occurring in any part of our business or supply chains.

The statement has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Australia Modern Slavery Act 2018 and the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Our Business

GloMaIn is an e-commerce company that connects consumers with millions of merchandise partners, manufacturers and brands with the mission to empower them to live a better life. GloMaIn is committed to offering affordable products to enable consumers and merchandise partners to fulfill their dreams in an inclusive environment. Our platform encompasses a wide range of products sourced from manufacturers, wholesalers, merchants, sellers, logistics providers and various thirdparty vendors worldwide.

Our Policies

We maintain a comprehensive set of policies aimed at preventing modern slavery and ensuring ethical business conduct. The Third-Party Code of Conduct sets out the ethical standards we expect from our merchants, sellers and suppliers, including compliance with labor laws, the prohibition of forced and child labor, the promotion of safe working conditions, and respect for human rights. Additionally, we also have an internal whistleblower channel which provides a secure and confidential mechanism for employees, suppliers, and third parties to report any concerns regarding unethical or illegal practices, including modern slavery and human trafficking. Reports can be made anonymously, and all concerns are thoroughly investigated.

At the same time, our recruitment practices ensure that all employees are recruited through legal and ethical means. We verify the identity and right to work of all employees to prevent forced labor and trafficking. Our commitment to employee safety and mental health is ongoing, and we continue to evaluate and implement relevant measures.

Our Due Diligence Processes and Risk Management

To prevent and address the risks of modern slavery within our supply chains, we have established robust due diligence processes.

We conduct comprehensive risk assessments of our supply chains to identify and mitigate potential risks of modern slavery. This includes initial risk assessments for all new suppliers to evaluate the risk based on factors such as geographic location, industry sector, and the nature of the products or services provided. We also conduct ongoing risk monitoring to reassess existing suppliers, focusing on high-risk areas identified through our initial assessments or changes in supplier operations.

All new suppliers and third-party vendors undergo a comprehensive vetting process, including an assessment of their labor practices and commitment to ethical standards. Suppliers and third-party vendors are required to sign our Third-Party Code of Conduct and agree to regular monitoring. We conduct continuous monitoring of supplier and third-party vendors performance through periodic reviews and updates to compliance requirements.

Training and Awareness

We recognize the importance of raising awareness and providing training to ensure that our suppliers and third-party vendors can identify and respond to modern slavery risks. We offer educational workshops and seminars for suppliers and third-party vendors to enhance their understanding of modern slavery risks and our ethical standards. These training sessions provide suppliers and third-party vendors with resources and tools to help them implement best practices in labor standards and human rights. We also provide ongoing support and guidance to suppliers to ensure continuous improvement in their labor practices.

Measuring Effectiveness

To ensure that our efforts to combat modern slavery are effective, we conduct regular reviews of our anti-slavery policies to ensure they remain relevant and effective. This includes an annual review of our policies and procedures to ensure they align with best practices and legal requirements. We also evaluate the effectiveness of our due diligence processes and make improvements based on feedback and internal review results. Meanwhile, we provide mechanisms for employees, suppliers, third-party vendors and other stakeholders to provide feedback on our anti-slavery initiatives. This feedback is used to identify areas for improvement and to ensure continuous enhancement of our efforts to combat modern slavery.

Future Steps

We are committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to combat modern slavery. Future actions include but are not limited to:

Collaborative Efforts: We will collaborate with industry peers, non-governmental organisations, and other stakeholders to share knowledge and develop best practices. We will also participate in multi-stakeholder initiatives aimed at improving labor standards and human rights in global supply chains.

Technological Innovations: We will implement advanced technologies to map our supply chains and identify potential risks more effectively. This includes the use of data analytics and other innovative monitoring tools to enhance our ability to detect and respond to modern slavery risks.


This statement has been approved by the Director of Glomain - Global Market International, Ltd on 17 August 2024.

M Costa

Director - Glomain - Global Market International, Ltd

17 August 2024

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GloMaIn is an e-commerce company for global users, we not only support multiple payment methods, but also have obtained multiple security certifications to ensure your information stays safe.